Monday, October 28, 2013

Korean Alphabet: Diphthongs and Double Consonants

I'm back again, and this time with the diphthongs of the Korean language.  Now, you would see the diphthongs more for the vowels.  This is when you're combining vowels sounds

This vowels are a little hard to pronounce the first time around.  What helped me with the pronunciation is actually using it and listening to native speaker using these diphthongs.  I will be posting video clips of people using these diphthongs when I post vocabulary words, so if you don't get it now, don't worry!

Another thing that I felt the need to add in with this one is the double consonant sounds.  This is usually paired with diphthongs when diphthongs are being taught.  Now, when I was in the process of learning this language, there was a teacher who told me that it is actually easy for Americans to pronounce the double consonant sounds (this may or may not be true, so don't truly take my word for it!) .  The reason for the double consonant sound is to give more of an accent on that consonant.  Not all of the consonants will use the double consonant sounds, so please take note of it.   As you can see in the picture, the double consonants have the prefix ssang before it.

I hope that this will be useful in learning the Korean language.

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